Vertically integrated nanotechnology.

Our innovations are vertically integrated into our ready-to-use solutions for maximum performance and function.

High value problems.

We are focused on solving high value problems with extreme commercial potential.
Application driven.

We hyperoptimize our innovations for target applications to deliver category-leading performance.
Rapid iteration.

We rapidly iterate to ensure our solutions are powered by the best materials and processes available.
Our Innovations

Next generation coatings.

Abrasion Resistance

Endurance Class

Our Endurance Class nanoceramic coatings are designed for long-term use on flexible transparent substrates in highly abrasive environments. Additional features include high optical clarity, all-climate weatherability, and hydrophobicity.
Our Endurance Class coatings power the ExoShield windshield protection film family.
Frost Prevention

Nova Class

Our Nova Class nanocomposite coatings are designed to passively prevent overnight frost formation on any polymeric substrate. Additional features include high optical clarity and all-climate weatherability.
Nova Class coatings are slated for future generations of ExoShield windshield protection films.
Infrared Camouflage

Crypsis Class

Our Crypsis Class nanocomposite coatings are designed to provide multi-spectral camouflage on any fabric or rigid material. This coating is highly tunable, allowing it to be adapted for any operational environment or material.
Crypsis Class coatings and products are only available to eligible law enforcement and military organizations.
Our Industries

Our technology is vertically integrated into solutions.

Automotive Solutions

Solutions to help the automotive industry.

Defence Solutions

Solutions to help the defence industry.

Partner with us.

Interested in using one of our coatings in your product?
We'd love to hear from you!

Contact our Team